There are so many podcasts in the world and not enough time to listen to them. Some sound professionally made, some sound like a hot mess, and some just sound made up. On Made Up Talk Show Jessica Coyle and Richard Krysztoforski highlight these less listened to podcasts, but here’s the catch…These podcasts don’t exist! Instead, they serve as the suggestion for an improv show, and are brought to life in the editing room to make the improvised podcast sound as real as possible. Each guest brings with them a new idea, and with that, a new fully improvised podcast is born.
Dulce Lamarca elucidates us on true artistry with the podcast, “On Raúl and Art.” In episode 6, Raul teaches his ungrateful SUNY students how to LEARN!
Hellena Jang bypasses our concerns about love and romance with the podcast, “Love Interest Ambulance: 911.” In episode 1, we meet a woman dying of lovelessness.
Megan Gray convinces us of the true nature of small towns and conspiracy theories with “All The Way to the Top.” In episode 666 something is afoot in Murdoch, Indiana.
More of Megan at @graymegan on Twitter, and @graymegangray on Instagram.
Elana Fishbein joins us with her recent find, “Two Things Are Better Than One: A Trash to Treasures Roadshow.” In episode 45 + 45, Ms Derringer synthesis many a hope and dream.
Annie Moor shows us the beauty of child pageants in “Little Miss Village Creek.” In episode 4, the pageants judges encounter some real beauties and some absolute losers.
Chase Padgett snaps us into the strange world of Lego aficionados with “Bricked Up.” In episode 103, the gang deals with unexpected injuries and newly discovered love.
Find out more about Chase at / IG @chasepadgett123 / Twitter @chasepadgett
Made Up Talk Show theme music by Dan Reitz
Caitlin Cronin Bennet serenades us the tale of Podcon, a podcast all about conventions. In episode 405, we are taken to the cuththroat world of jingle writers in this episode, JingleCon.
Art Cai critiques the world of competitive sports by bringing us an episode of “The Lost Game.” In episode 909, we learn about the fate of the last co-ed NYU lacrosse team, The Spoons.
Find out more about Art at and on his podcast TEACH ME GOOD
Made Up Talk Show theme music by Dan Reitz
Special Interview! Richard had something come up this week, and since he’s the one who makes the beeps and boops, we decided to release an interview with our first guest, Nora “Coyle” Neisen. Many thanks to Chris DeLuca for the editing support this week!
Nick Hughes thrills us with the exploits of a partially-reformed felon, Safari Nick, and his animal adventures. In episode 9 of Safari Nick’s Safari Adventures, the host reunites with a former employee.