This week the Perfectionists (I’ve decided that’s what Ellen and Dennis are called–it’s canon now) welcome motion graphics designer and storyteller Jenny Bee to the studio to talk about mental health in art. We get into how school and work cultures wrongly glorify sacrificing our bodies to get ahead.
Harvey Chipkin transports us to strange new worlds with the podcast “Let’s go Travel with Tad Rawlins.” In the episode he brought us, the Richardsons are lost in Latvia.
Made Up Talk Show theme by Dan Reitz
Harvey Chipkin has been a freelance writer for many years specializing in travel and the travel industry, and performing improv for 20+ years including almost 20 years as a member of Lunatic Fringe, NJ's longest running improv troupe. He grew up on the Lower East Side but has lived in NJ for many years.
Health writer and wonderful human Hannah Chase gabs with the perfectionists (aka Ellen and Dennis) about being a perfect patient, advocating for yourself, and people pleasing–and we learn what a mustache does for your resting neutral face.
Check out our Instagram for more fun with mustaches and wigs! @pursuitofperfectness
You can find Hannah’s writing at where she mostly writes about chronic illness.
Izzy Wolfson resolves to solve as many people’s problems as possible with an episode of “A New Year, New You.” In the episode he brought us, people don’t seem to have kept many resolutions.
More of Izzy at IG @IzzyFoolingYou and on Twitter @IzzyJoking
Izzy Wolfson has been writing and performing comedy for the last 15 years. He's performed all over New York and the country as part of many different groups and companies. Mostly, making people laugh and make-em-ups are just his favorite. Izzy is married and has an awesome cat named Hank and a dog named Motown.
Ellen and Dennis have their first guest, and it’s–spoiler alert–Ellen’s brother! Greg Matthews is a data scientist and visual artist, an improviser, a fledgling standup, and a father. He talks about which of these things fill him with anxiety and how he copes, plus he shares some cool data art. You can find Greg’s art at and on our instagram @pursuitofperfectness.
In this inaugural episode, Ellen and Dennis introduce the concept of perfectionism and the specific shapes it tends to take in their lives and in the broader culture. They also talk about what the show is, what the show isn’t, and what’s coming up in the first season.
Made Up Talk Show is off this week for the holiday. Richard pops on to talk about some important people that make Made Up Talk Show and the Let’s Hear it Network possible.
Brendan Goggins seeks emnity with his podcast “Seamus O’Flannigan Needs an Enemy.” In the episode he brought us, Seamus gets some pancakes. Listen now at
More of Brendan on IG @b_goggins
Made Up Talk Show Theme music by Dan Reitz
Hosts Ellen Matthews and Dennis Pacheco introduce The Pursuit of Perfectness, a podcast for perfectionists and people who are just a bit too hard on themselves. New episodes every Thursday.