Let’s Hear It Network: Make More Fun

At Let’s Hear It Network we:

Support joyful, innovative audio comedy from artists with broad ranging backgrounds, while practicing thoughtful operational transparency

In a broader sense, the fun in our motto, Make More Fun, represents:

joyful, expressive, empathetic, independent productions

Let’s Hear It Network is:

A group of curated artists focused on producing high quality podcasts ranging from short run to weekly release series. Genres include but are not limited to- solo commentary, hybrid, fiction story telling, and experimental. Participating artists abide by an audio quality guideline and network artist conduct agreement.

Operational Roadmap:

  • Publish financial transparency sheet
  • Diversify LHI side of pitch meetings so it isn’t just two cisgender white guys making decisions about what podcasts are on the network
  • Establish an additional in-network point of contact, other than Richard and Chris (the LHI network admins,) to receive complaints, issues of harassment, etc.
  • Establish an outside of the network point of contact to receive complaints, issues of harassment, etc.